Project description

Phase I of a new page to increase engagement with existing/new, blog, long-form articles, and/or live video content. Content may or may not live on

Key deliverables: High-fidelity designs at different breakpoints (desktop, tablet, mobile).

Live now at

Project goals

Launch an MVP and continue to iterate on it once we have some engagement data.


January to February 2023 

Approvers: Marketing leadership


UX/UI Designer



UX Team

  • Project Manager: Kristen R
  • UX Manager: Ryan O'Neill
  • Visual: Sonia Enriquez
  • Accessibility: Christopher Land
  • UX/UI Designer: Monserrat Kaneko

The Challenge

  • Balancing large amounts of information with a user-friendly design: One of the primary UX/UI challenges was to strike a balance between showcasing the vast array of blog articles, videos, and blogs Oracle offers and presenting it in a user-friendly way. The website needed to be inviting and easy to navigate for both tech-savvy professionals and those less familiar with Oracle's offerings. Ensuring that users could quickly find and engage with the desired content, such as blog posts, long-form articles, and live video content, was crucial to increasing engagement.
  • Optimizing for different screen sizes: The redesign needed to address the diverse range of devices and screen sizes used by Oracle's audience. 
  • Enhancing content discoverability: Implementing effective content categorization, and component order required thoughtful UX/UI design to enhance user engagement and keep them coming back for more content.

The Solution

The solution for defining the user experience of Oracle Connect was a holistic approach that combined thoughtful design strategies with modifications to existing components of the Design System. Here are the key aspects of the solution:

  • User-Centric design approach:  By analyzing user behavior on similar pages like Blogs, we gained insights into how to make the platform more intuitive and accessible, allowing users to engage effortlessly with the content they desired.
  • Design System evaluation and modifications: It was necessary to evaluate the existing components to identify areas that required modification to align with the project's goals. 
  • Balance: Visual elements and components were refined to present information in a digestible and visually appealing manner, enabling users to engage with blog posts, long-form articles, and live video content without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Accessibility improvements: The modifications to the components also prioritized accessibility to ensure that all users, including those with disabilities, could interact with the platform effortlessly. 

Personal Takeaways

The power of collaboration and stakeholder engagement

As the UI/UX designer, I had the opportunity to work closely with a diverse team, including developers, visual designers, and stakeholders from

Embracing different perspectives and incorporating feedback throughout the design process not only improved the final outcome but also strengthened professional relationships and fostered a sense of collective ownership in delivering an outstanding user experience.

Navigating complex design challenges with creativity and empathy

Embracing creativity in design allowed me to think beyond conventional approaches, leading to the implementation of engaging and intuitive elements that enriched the overall user experience with the resources that we had. 

Embracing Change in UX/UI Design

UX/UI design is always changing, and that's okay. User needs, technology, and design trends are constantly evolving. To create better experiences, we must be open to feedback and always willing to improve.

I learned the importance of staying flexible and adaptable in design decisions. Listening to others' opinions and working collaboratively leads to better results.

See the project 


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